This was a very exciting opportunity OSU design students were able to partake in. In this activity, we were asked to redesign the experience of an OSU design student at Hayes Hall. We were split in teams of ten. Each team had Visual Design (VC), Interior, and Industrial students. My group had 4 VC students. We worked to create a more interesting brand.

Hayes Hall is the oldest building on OSU’s campus, but no one knows that it is home to the department of design. We wanted to incorporate the iconic Hayes arch into the logo. We did this by including squares and rectangles. We wanted to keep a more traditional look to match the historic look. We used the iconic block O as a doorway.

We then wanted to create a brand for each of the specific majors. We want to show that we are our own individual majors but can come together to collaborate. Each major specifically chose an icon that would best represent them. Industrial chose tools that they use on a daily basis. VC chose the iconic controls Adobe uses to adjust points. Interior chose a figure that they use to show proportion in their drawings. The final icon is for a new major being introduced next semester! We believed a “touch point” would serve best for this icon.